JFK L’assassinat les questions
Dallas 22 novembre 1963

Site dédié à l’assassinat du Président Kennedy et à l’étude des questions sans réponse pleinement satisfaisante près de 60 ans après les faits.

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Timeline of the shooting
by Pierre NAU
on Friday 2 September 2022

The time was 12.30 on November 22, 1963. Oswald posted at the southeast corner window on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository was waiting for the Presidential motorcade. The building, still visible today, is located at the intersection of Elm street and Houston street. Coming from Main street and after a 9O degrees turn onto Houston street, the presidential motorcade was moving towards the TSBD. At a slow pace, the Lincoln Continental, the President’s limo, was surrounded on (…)

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